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Welcome to HappyToddler Presets! Below, you'll find information about our licensing terms and conditions for the use of our presets.

Personal Use:
Our presets are designed for personal use, allowing you to edit your own photos for non-commercial purposes. Feel free to enhance your toddler photos and share them with family and friends on social media, personal blogs, or printed materials.

Commercial Use:
For commercial use, such as using our presets for client work, social media marketing, or selling edited photos, you'll need to purchase a commercial license. Please contact us at to inquire about commercial licensing options.

Resale and Redistribution:
You are not permitted to resell or redistribute our presets, whether modified or unmodified, as standalone products or as part of a bundle. Our presets are for personal use only and may not be distributed or shared with others.

While not required, we appreciate it if you credit HappyToddler Presets when sharing photos edited using our presets. This helps us reach more photography enthusiasts and grow our community.

You are welcome to modify our presets to suit your individual style and preferences. However, modified presets are still subject to the same licensing terms and conditions as our original presets.

HappyToddler Presets is not liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of our presets. By using our presets, you agree to accept full responsibility for any consequences that may arise.

Questions or Concerns:
If you have any questions or concerns about our licensing terms or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to contact us at We're here to help!

company  legal name  : glowd llc 


address :  651 N BROAD ST STE 201 MIDDLETOWN, DE  19709 USA

Phone: +1-800-555-1234 (Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST)

Social Media: Connect with us on Instagram and Facebook for updates, inspiration, and community support.